Tag Archive for: postcard printing service

Direct mail is a great marketing tactic to build rapport with your customers. A great mail piece is something that will make a lasting impression on your target audience. It speaks directly to the consumer and relays a message that resonates to their needs. Today, one of the most important components of a mail marketing campaign is the element of graphic design.


As experts in direct mail graphic design, we’ve learned the best approaches needed to pull off a successful direct outreach campaign. If you want to put together more creative direct mail designs, then make sure you practice these strategies:

Keep It Simple:

By now, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “less is more.” This is extremely vital when your company is putting together a mail campaign. When it comes to direct mail marketing, simplicity is the best approach to take. Don’t overfill your mail piece with pictures and long content. Use simple pictures and relevant information that is easy for readers to remember.

Be Brief And Quick To The Point:

Active images and a distinctive design are the most important parts of any tangible mail piece. A high-quality piece of mail always has one clear call to action boldly labeled. Aside from that, you want to use as little content as possible in order to get your message across. Be direct and use brief details.

Add Color:

When you are designing and printing mail advertisements, color is one of the essential elements that will enhance your piece. Use an eye-popping color that grabs the reader’s attention. An appropriate color scheme will trigger an emotional connection with the reader.

Utilize Imagery:

Adding graphics to your design is a great way to convey your message. A powerful image will stimulate the brain much faster than reading text. Be creative and avoid using  stock images as much as possible. Don’t over clutter the design with a bunch of different images. This can be overwhelming for your audience to look at. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to use two to three images per piece.

Use Sense-Appealing Elements:

Colors and graphics are usually the most exciting parts of your design, but it’s important to use the right ones. Additionally, it’s also important to design a piece that appeals to the rest of your senses. Don’t just create a design that looks great. Make sure the body of the document is a smooth, yet enticing texture. If you really want to make the right impression on your audience, then choose a comfortable texture like a glossy finish.

Size Appropriately:

When it comes to direct mail, the size of the finished product can be a major difference maker. There’s nothing wrong with standard postcards, but sometimes it’s best to go against the grain. Sending out prints that are noticeably larger or smaller will stand out to prospects and customers. This is a subtle way to differentiate you from your competitors.

Create Personal Messages That Resonate:

Personalization and authenticity are key to sending mail that will persuade your audience. Personalize your designs towards individuals on your mailing list. This shows customers that you genuinely care about solving their problems. Offering a personal service in your mail piece will show people that you have a trustworthy solution that serves their needs.


Marketing is constantly evolving and direct mail tactics are transforming with the evolution of digital technology. Nowadays, companies use high-quality software to put a personal touch on all mailed pieces. Businesses rely on variable data printing (VDP) technology to help create more engagements and responses from clients and consumers. If you are a business owner, it would be in your best interest to adopt VDP to boost the results of your marketing mailing campaigns.

New printing technology can bring a fresh new aspect to your marketing strategy. Take advantage of the top perks and watch your business grow right in front of your eyes. These are some of the ways that VDP software can help your business generate a greater ROI:

Build Attention-Grabbing Mailing List Data Sets:

Increase the response rates from customers and prospects by filtering out any sets of irrelevant data. With VDP technology, you have the ability to build specific mailing lists that pertain to different audiences. This software generates analytics and insights about where people live, their marital status, occupation, and so much more. Variable data printing is one of the best tools for you to utilize when you’re building a strategy for mailing campaigns.

Create Automated Mailing Processes For Multiple Locations:

When you are sending mail to businesses, make sure you send it to the right branch. If you are targeting a company with multiple franchises, it’s important to send your piece to a decision maker at his main office. Variable data printing allows you to print pieces that are most convenient for that targeted recipient. This helps if there are multiple store locations available. With VDP, you have the ability to see which address makes the most sense. You’ll get access to the zip codes and distances

Generate Analytics To Target The Right Market:

With variable data printing support, you have the ability to discover demographic data and consumer interest information. VDP offers sophisticated targeting applications so you can determine which audience is best to send mail to. With VDP software, you’ll always have the metrics you need to get the right reach. Additionally, you can also integrate VDM software to monitor website traffic and digital strategy approaches. Using VDM gives you the ability to detect the interest of your website visitors. If you run a digital advertisement, you can track how many engagements that specific ad generates.

Save Time And Money:

A variable data printing system will help you eliminate the frustration that comes with mass printing. With VDP, you have the ability to print the exact amount of mail pieces that you need. This eliminates waste and duplicate prints. In addition, VDP reduces the amount of time  spent on labeling. VDP systems grant users the ability to print addresses directly onto the mail piece. Just type in the information and when the piece is printed out, you have the advertisement ready to mail.

Create Custom-tailored Mail Pieces

Create custom-tailored mail pieces with VDP software.  Variable data printing systems give you a gallery of fonts, colors, and other custom applications to create an authentic marketing piece. Thanks to these advances in technology, you have the ability to create a piece that makes a direct connection to each client or consumer..