Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)
Presort Inc. is here to reinforce your mail campaign.
Presort Inc. is here to reinforce your mail campaign.
When it comes to direct mail, you must reach every prospect on your target mailing list. Unfortunately, postal operations aren’t perfect. Mail pieces get lost, target consumers don’t get the touches, and your business exerts a lot of effort and money for hardly any return. Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) markets your business to every door in the neighborhood without the need for targeted mailing lists with specific addresses or names.
The United States Postal Service’s EDDM retail program allows you to deliver your postcards to individual neighborhoods using carrier routes. You identify the carrier routes and the drop date, and USPS will deliver your message directly to every door on the route.
When you partner with Presort to coordinate your EDDM route, you save the cost of buying a mailing list, and there’s no permit required, which keeps more money in your pocket. We design and print your marketing materials according to your specifications.
Presort Inc.’s EDDM services are a cost-effective and flexible way to build your customer base and spread your message. Reach out today to learn more about how we can help.
With every door direct mail, your flyers, brochures, postcards, and other materials are sent to every household on your chosen carrier route. When planning this mail service, you can target neighborhoods based on demographics like household size, age range, and income. While EDDM is a subset of direct mail services, it isn’t as customizable or targeted as other alternatives, like mailing list services.
Nonetheless, every door direct mail is an excellent way to tap as many potential customers as possible without breaking the bank. A well-planned EDDM route helps build your customer base. As awareness of your products and services grows, you can leverage the interest you gain from your mail campaigns to build a mailing list.
Presort’s every door direct mail services offer these benefits:
When you partner with Presort Inc. for EDDM services, we help you discover your business goals. Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise, it’s essential to understand what you want to gain from your mail campaign. Do you want to target a specific demographic? Would you rather mail out flyers or brochures? What product or services do you want to highlight?
Knowing what you want makes it easier to determine whether EDDM is suitable for your company. Similarly, when the time comes for you to evaluate the performance of your mail campaign, you know how to measure your success.
Presort Inc. also helps you navigate EDDM mailing costs. We use our services to discover discounted postal rates and ensure your mail campaign doesn’t exceed your marketing budget. When you work with us, you get a solid marketing strategy and only pay what you planned.
The United States Postal Service has strict mail size guidelines for EDDM. All mailpieces must have the entire mailing label on the top half of the material. The label’s orientation doesn’t matter, as long as the labels placed parallel to the shortest end aren’t upside down. USPS marketing mail regulations also require that mail pieces are taller than 6.125” or longer than 11.5” and smaller than 12”x15”.
Presort’s creative design and printing services make sure you receive mail that meets your needs. We take your unique ideas and turn them into irresistible marketing collateral. Our in-house creatives produce original designs that set you apart from the competition.
We also help you determine the best carrier route with state-of-the-art mapping tools. Targeting a specific demographic helps you reach the customers you want to contact. When you take the time to research and plan an approach, you weed out the less promising routes, saving you money on mailing costs and maximizing efficiency.
To deliver every door direct mail successfully, you need to plan for more time than other direct mailing options. Delivery times for EDDM range from 7 to 14 days from when it’s received at the post office. Presort prints and mails your EDDM retail materials at least one to two weeks before you want them to arrive at households.
We’re much more than a typical direct mail marketing company. Presort Inc. works around the clock to help your company grow. Our in-house designers can create brochures, flyers, menus, and catalogs that are sure to attract customers to your services. We do what it takes to help your organization succeed.
Our team is a results-oriented group of mailing specialists. With our team by your side, you enjoy professionally designed marketing assets, greater response rates, and greater satisfaction overall.
Content Section 1 – This section focuses on H1 Keyword rank as well as secondary keyword. Answer the user’s question that got them hereThe H2 above is selected as the secondary keyword and needs to always be in support of the H1. This content uses Secondary keyword and related keywords within the copy. This should also incorporate LSI (latent semantic indexing) but is advanced. Throughout the content, we need to have internal links that lead people to other internal sources that reinforce or message.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur et sagittis odio. Fusce ut velit ligula. Integer mattis aliquet lectus eu fringilla. Mauris dapibus pellentesque leo eu vehicula. Aliquam vitae erat imperdiet, pharetra purus id, ullamcorper risus. Curabitur consequat dolor in elit aliquet posuere. Integer vel nulla leo. Nullam quis ligula id erat dapibus cursus. Duis eu tincidunt lectus, quis mattis magna. Aenean non rhoncus purus. Curabitur ac efficitur sem. Aliquam tincidunt felis sit amet rhoncus finibus. Ut at dictum lorem, egestas auctor lorem. Fusce malesuada bibendum erat quis pretium. Nam posuere pretium arcu, viverra blandit mauris convallis vitae.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur et sagittis odio. Fusce ut velit ligula. Integer mattis aliquet lectus eu fringilla. Mauris dapibus pellentesque leo eu vehicula. Aliquam vitae erat imperdiet, pharetra purus id, ullamcorper risus. Curabitur consequat dolor in elit aliquet posuere. Integer vel nulla leo. Nullam quis ligula id erat dapibus cursus. Duis eu tincidunt lectus, quis mattis magna. Aenean non rhoncus purus. Curabitur ac efficitur sem. Aliquam tincidunt felis sit amet rhoncus finibus. Ut at dictum lorem, egestas auctor lorem. Fusce malesuada bibendum erat quis pretium. Nam posuere pretium arcu, viverra blandit mauris convallis vitae.
Call to Action Subtext. Drive visitors to an action. Have compelling CTAs that help visitors find answers to their needs. 150 characters (25 words.)
Content Section 2 – This section is used to drive up the H1 Keyword rank and expand on the h1 subject. The H2 above is selected as the secondary keyword and needs to always be in support of the H1. This content uses Secondary keyword and related keywords within the copy. This should also incorporate LSI (latent semantic indexing) but is advanced. Throughout the content, we need to have internal links that lead people to other internal sources that reinforce or message.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus risus, porta ac velit eu, tristique aliquam massa. Quisque sit amet metus neque. Sed at enim gravida diam auctor dignissim id ornare sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin a libero orci. Ut non arcu eu turpis placerat placerat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tellus risus, porta ac velit eu, tristique aliquam massa. Quisque sit amet metus neque. Sed at enim gravida diam auctor dignissim id ornare sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin a libero orci. Ut non arcu eu turpis placerat placerat. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus.
Content Section 3 – This section is used to drive up the H1 Keyword rank and expand on the h1 subject. The H2 above is selected as the secondary keyword and needs to always be in support of the H1. This content uses Secondary keyword and related keywords within the copy. This should also incorporate LSI (latent semantic indexing) but is advanced. Throughout the content, we need to have internal links that lead people to other internal sources that reinforce or message.
Internal Linking. Beyond the navigation and buttons, incorporate internal, relevant links throughout using buttons and text. Obviously we will link to the sub pages but incorporating other links in the description will also help.
Sed ut leo ut justo rutrum lacinia. Aenean dignissim ac ipsum sit amet gravida. Ut libero nibh, gravida at tempor sit amet, rutrum et magna. Fusce vel tortor ex. Etiam malesuada, magna at finibus pretium, felis dolor accumsan erat, a finibus purus tortor vel ante. Vivamus non ipsum diam. Nam fringilla vulputate magna. Nulla sed libero dui. Fusce luctus interdum arcu sit amet accumsan. Cras tortor tellus, ultrices id felis ut, vulputate consequat lorem.
Content Section 3 – 400 characters (65 words.) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nec bibendum dui, vitae mattis nunc. Aenean sit amet massa id nisl aliquam lacinia eu ut lorem. Morbi imperdiet augue ac libero aliquam cursus. Suspendisse quis ex sit ipsum dapibus varius ac nec mi. Etiam et nisi et dolor rutrum accumsan. Aenean sit amet massa id nisl aliquam lacinia eu ut lorem.
Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat.